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The content on the website of Michael Eibes Design are reliable and carefully compiled. However, no responsibility is taken for the topicality, completeness, correctness or quality of all information provided.

Some of our own contents refer directly or indirectly to external internet pages (“links”). The external contents of these internet pages are neither from Michael Eibes Design nor does Michael Eibes Design have the possibility to influence the contents of third parties. Herewith we dissociate ourselves from the pages of other web operators on which we have put a link, this also applies to offers, links or advertisements to be found there. The respective authors are exclusively responsible for their contents. Michael Eibes Design has no influence on the current and future design of the linked pages. Furthermore, we expressly declare that at the time of setting the link, the linked pages had no illegal content. Michael Eibes Design is not liable for any damages or obligations arising in connection with the use or non-use of the information provided on the linked sites.

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Michael Eibes Design
Paulinenstraße 3
65189 Wiesbaden, Germany 
T 49 (611) 308 77 70  
F 49 (611) 308 77 88  
E hello@eibes.com
Authorized representative: Michael Eibes
Sales tax ID-Number: DE 113 767 367